Sophie Kirchner


Almost 85% percent of the 2.6 million single parents in Germany are women. How do they fare during the pandemic, at home around the clock, in social isolation, and without childcare?

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“The employee at the agency was very annoyed with my situation and my request if it was possible at all to apply for some assistance with the household chores. She told me: ‘I have to go to work so that people like you can get their laundry done!‘ “ – Flor

“During birth I felt very much left alone in my dealings with the hospital staff. Of course, the nursing staff had to keep physical distance. But I also felt an emotional distance, and I don’t know if that was because of Corona or because the hospital had a very busy maternity ward.” – Franziska

“The different lockdowns felt a little like a consolation. I thought, ‘Right now, it’s not just me going through this, it’s everybody else out there too. We’re kind of all in this together.’ Even before the pandemic, I couldn’t really take part in social life anymore. 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, I am the only caregiver for my three children.” – Michaela

“As a single parent, I depend on having my child cared for by a kindergarten or school. On top of that, I am self-employed in a system-relevant profession. According to pandemic rules I am encouraged to go to work, it was my right. And if my child is not treated well by her carers because I insisted on working, that is the worst feeling as a mother. Independent of the loss of income.” – Anonymus